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Why Your To Do List Sucks (and two ways to instantly make yourself much more effective)
You will never feel good about your to do list. As a matter of fact, the traditional to do list is a sure way to feel like you’ve failed.
Traditional to do lists fail you for one simple reason — they don’t ever end.
Think about it — you will never accomplish your entire to do list. Even as you go through days checking things off in a very productive manner, you are constantly adding things to that same list.
That is why it never ends.
From a feelings standpoint, that can create overwhelm and stress because there is never an end in sight. The feelings that come with accomplishment and completion are never enjoyed.
I believe there’s a much better way to handle your to do items and also feel great about it!
These are two approaches that I use. They differ from the traditional list style in that they give you a feeling of control every single day, and allow you to feel completion and accomplishment on a daily basis.
The first thing is that 100% of my to-dos go directly on my calendar. They are assigned a specific day and/or a specific time. If there are tasks that need to be done in a certain order, or by a certain day, I will look at my calendar and…