Member-only story
Practicing What You Preach
I am sitting at my desk on hold with AT&T for a second hour. It is making me, among others things, remind myself that I have to practice what I preach.
I coach, speak on, and write about stress management, self-leadership, and taking control on a daily basis. I am really good at helping other people stress less and get stuff done simply by focusing more on what they have control over and less on what they don’t.
I believe the difference between a professional suggestion and a friendly opinion is simply this — when the same things happens to YOU, do you give yourself the same advice you would give to someone else.
If you don’t, you’re just a nag.
But, by choosing to practice what I preach instead, I was able to make this situation…less maddening. ;)
Here are some of the things I was able to do because I choose NOT to get hyper-focused on the insanity, and instead stay focused on what was completely in my control.
1. I found things to do. Having been on hold for more than two hours throughout this particular situation gave me a lot of time to DO things. Instead of sitting on my butt, stewing, and complaining for those two hours (which is really easy to do in these situations), I got a lot done! I folded laundry, I collected the garbage from around the house to take outside…